

Extraordinary Horror Books That Will Stay With You

I recently wrote an article where I talked about The Exorcist and The Shining books and how they were leaps and bounds ahead of their big screen counterparts. This got me thinking about some of the ho...

2 Horror Books that are better than the movies

Reader’s Nook: 2 Horror Books That Are Better Than the Movies

I usually cover movies here, but today I have decided to break the proverbial mold and step out of the realms of normality. As much as I love a good horror movie – and holy smokes I have seen my...

The Shining Book and Movie Comparison

Love it or hate it, there is no denying that Steven King’s The Shining is one of those movies that will always hold its well-earned place in ‘Top Ten’ articles, all over the internet. The movie was fi...

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