
Underworld Review

Beginning what would become a highly successful franchise, “Underworld” delivers a high-tech variation on the classic vampires vs werewolves theme. The opening takes place in a large, unna...

9 Amazing

“An American Werewolf in Paris” movie review

While “An American Werewolf in Paris” started off strong in theaters, placing third among the new releases it was competing with, a series of mixed and outright bad reviews slowed it to a ...

6 Fair

“Kill Creek” by Scott Thomas Review

At first glance one may want to write off this book as just another haunted house thriller, but that thought is quickly dispelled as you delve deeper into the events at the old Finch house on Kill Cre...

10 Perfect

“Heart Shaped Box” a novel by Joe Hill Review

Playing off the trope of the aging rock star musician with a dark side to his soul, author Joe Hill, introduces us to the aging, selfish and self-centered rock star named Judas Coyne, who has a rather...

10 Perfect

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Review

    Despite Resident Evil 3: Nemesis using the same basic game engine as the first two installments: fixed camera angles, 3D models, and pre-rendered backgrounds, it stood out from not only ...

9.3 Amazing

From Hell Review

This creepy period flick is set in the late 19th century during the Jack the Ripper murders. The movie is a very well done take on one of the more popular theories of who may have actually been the Ri...

8.5 Great

Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies Review

When George Romero’s brain-starved hordes first descended on the hapless victims in ‘Night of the Living Dead,’ no one thought that zombie movies would develop an entire sub-genre so...

6.6 Fair

The Skeleton Key Review

With its slow but inexorable buildup to the climax, The Skeleton Key garners a great deal of its terror with a growing dose of just plain eerie. Director Iain Softley plays the audience by relaxing th...

10 Perfect

Jeruzalem Review

The proof that “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” can be seen in the widely varied reception of the “found footage” style movie “Jeruzalem.” P...

7.9 Good

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