Written and directed by Tia West, MaXXXine stands as the third instalment to the explosive franchise, ‘X‘. Set in the mid-eighties, the movie enters an era where the notorious rapist and s...
Directed by Alejandro Brugués and written in collaboration by Chris LaMont and Joe Russo, The Inheritance was released on July 12 to a mixed audience response. With the great Bob Gunton (The Shawshank...
The Exorcism is the latest possession horror movie and the second in a row for Gladiator and Romper Stomper movie star, Russel Crowe. Directed by Californian front-runner, Joshua John-Miller, the movi...
Written and directed by Jane Schoenbrun, I Saw the TV Glow is a coming-of-age story with a somewhat beautifully hypnotic vibe that sets it aside from anything I have seen in recent...
The Watchers is the debut movie for Ishana Shyamalan. Following in her father’s footsteps, she enters the world of horror cinema with an interesting concept and an array of ideas of her own, lay...
Written and directed by Ten Shots’ Gordon Shoemaker Foxwood, Wild Eyed and Wicked is a slow-burning journey into multigenerational trauma and portrays the harrowing reality of innate mental illn...
The Strangers: Chapter One is a reimagining of the 2008 horror hit, The Strangers. Directed by Cliffhanger‘s Renny Harlin and written by Alan R Cohen in collaboration with Alan Freedland and Bry...
While working in a garbage-strewn patch of the ocean, a team of marine biologists discover uncharacteristic behaviors and mutations among the group of sharks they’re tracking. After her whole te...
In a bizarre twist of fate, the iconic horror flick, Killer Klowns from Outer Space has received it’s very own adaptation. With titles such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th having ...