Due to the unparalleled popularity of the Cosmic Ghost Rider who debuted in Thanos #13, Marvel Comics has announced that co-creator Donny Cates has teamed up with artist Dylan Burnett to create a new solo mini-series comic featuring this seemingly insane space-faring hero.
The Cosmic Ghost Rider is an alternate version of Frank Castle, complete with a unique origin story. But Cates and Burnett promise this future Ghost Rider will stop at nothing to create what he feels will be a ‘better universe’ regardless of how far-fetched his ideas for it may seem.
Cates, who has worked on both ‘Thanos’ and ‘Doctor Strange’ has been amazed at how well this character has been accepted by comic fandom so the new five issue solo adventure is sure to give the readers buckets more of the insanity they have come to love.
Sporting cover art by veteran Geoff Shaw, the first issue of Cosmic Ghost Rider will hit comic shops the first week of July, 2018.