Directed by Josh Forbes, Destroy all Neighbors is an off-the-wall horror-comedy, bursting at the seams with a perfectly-balanced brew of hilarity, blood, guts and other associated gore. With a team of...
Directed by Magnus Martens (the Banshee and 12 Monkeys TV shows), There’s Something in the Barn is a dependable horror-comedy movie that the whole family can enjoy (as long as you don’t mi...
A Haunting in Venice has recently become available to purchase on Amazon Video. With mystery, seances and murder all crammed into a reasonably short 104 minutes, I couldn’t resist taking a trip ...
When the Five Nights at Freddy’s (or FNAF, to its friends) movie was first announced, kids the world over were waiting with bated breath for the movie adaptation of a game that has achieved an a...
Welcome to Derry is an up-and-coming TV show that will take us back to the small town of Derry, in a long awaited origins story about horror’s favorite clown, Pennywise. Any horror fan will be w...
At the start of the year, I wrote about some of our most anticipated horror movies for the first half of the year. Now, with the movie we chose having passed us by, we couldn’t think of a better...
2023 has so far been a pretty wild ride in terms of horror movies. We have seen a creepy AI-driven android wreck mayhem in M3GAN; Winnie the Pooh and Piglet shedding more blood than a flourishing slau...
With 2022 now a distant memory, we thought it to be the perfect time to look ahead at what 2023 has in store for our fellow horror fans. With so many horror movies lying in wait, we have compiled a li...