Last seen: Nov 18, 2022
On a second thought I would also like to be an antagonist in a movie maybe like ones from the avengers or even Thanos.
I heard there are trying to bring back the blade franchise , I don't really know how true this is but I got the Information about a new blade movie in...
@zuby before getting married I should have known how my partner is to an extent and if I find out earlier that she doesn't apologise and isn't willing...
@mimi I didn't know that there is a series for the last of us in production right now, I would check for a trailer and see What it's looking like alre...
I have enrolled for driving lessons and hopefully in the next one month I would be ready to drive on my own without causing an havoc on the road.
I would be hero because I always look out for others and I would want to protect other characters from any incoming danger.