Chibu replied to the topic "How fast do you reply your messages?" –
I have automatic response set in my WhatsApp chat. This is to help give a more quicker response immediately to anyone trying to reach me before I will be available to reply.
Chibu replied to the topic "How many Horror Facebook Groups have you joined?" –
Thank you for sharing… Read more»
Chibu liked forum post "How many Horror Facebook Groups have you joined?" –
Chibu replied to the topic "If you were able to exist in a horror movie which would it be?" –
PREY would be the horror movie that I would so much love to find myself in its world. I’m talking about the latest Prey movie where they had to fight an alien predator. I believe that I know how to… Read more»
Chibu replied to the topic "Scary Stories to tell" –
Insidious is one of the best horror movies that saw a decent scary story telling of what happened previously some years ago who had similar encounter to a demon that’s currently attacking new set of its victims.
Chibu replied to the topic "Change the ending?" –
I have watched so many horror movies which all ended well. The only one which I don’t like the ending so much was the last Hellraiser movie. I wouldn’t mind having the ending changed to give the victims more chance… Read more»
Chibu replied to the topic "When do you like watching horror movies?" –
I love watching horror movies all the time. Most of the time, I only watch movies whenever I’m back from work at night. It’s why I usually watch my favorite horror movies at night.
Chibu replied to the topic "Who taught you how to drive?" –
I went to driving school to learn how to drive. I don’t have anyone who’s close to me that knows how to drive. It’s why I went to driving school. It took me 4 months to learn how to drive…. Read more»
Chibu posted a new topic "Do you like wearing caps?" –
Caps and hats is a fashion for some people because they would never go out without wearing one. Unfortunately, they don’t work for me. I hate wearing caps or hats as they make me so uncomfortable. Do you like putting… Read more»
Chibu posted a new topic "Halo Series Season 1" –
I’ve been a fan of the Halo video games franchise for years. I’ve even played Halo Infinite which is the best release of the game so far. The TV show adaptation of the game came out last year but I… Read more»
Chibu replied to the topic "Do you know how to dance?" –
I can dance a little. I’ve taken some dance lessons when I was 10 years old. I’m sure I would still be able to remember some of the dancing steps if I seriously put my mind to it.
Chibu replied to the topic "What do you eat to lose body fat?" –
Eating of junk food is the fastest way to get fat. This is why I would never eat junk food no matter how hungry I get. I would rather take fluids until I get home to prepare my food.
Chibu replied to the topic "Which part of your body can you be comfortable losing?" –
No please, I wouldn’t like to lose any part of my body because I will definitely be incomplete without it. A little injury that I had in some part of my body makes it very difficult for me to do… Read more»
Chibu replied to the topic "How many hours do you sleep daily?" –
Chibu replied to the topic "Can you skip bathing in a day?" –
I find it very difficult to… Read more»
Chibu posted a new topic "Meg 2 : The Trench" –
Meg 2 : The Trench is one of latest deep water horror movie which came first out this year 2023. I didn’t get to watch the first Meg but this squeal is so good for me to rate it 9/10…. Read more»
Chibu replied to the topic "How many Horror Facebook Groups have you joined?" –
I don’t make use of social media in very often and it’s the reason why I have not joined any horror Facebook pages in order to keep myself updated with what goes on in the genre of movie production. I… Read more»
Chibu replied to the topic "Horror Video Games" –
Silent Hill have been the most creepiest when it comes to the horror games franchise which I played. It’s a very good thing we are getting a new remake now in the game because it’s been too long.
Chibu replied to the topic "Has Real Horror Lost its Way?" –
I would say that it’s not all horror movies that’s produced in a way that shows horror have lost its way. Yes, it’s true we see so much gore in horror movies now but there’s a lot of horror being… Read more»
Chibu replied to the topic "Left handed people" –
My left hand is weak. I can’t do anything with it. Even to eat with my left hand is very hard.
It’s only when I’m washing clothes that I make use of my left hand to support my right hand. - Load More Posts