
Eminent Member
Joined: Nov 2, 2022
Last seen: Jun 5, 2023
Topics: 3 / Replies: 30
RE: Cat or Dog?

My grandmother keeps cats while my parents keep dogs. Thus making me to be very used to having cats and dogs around me. I own just 2 dogs now but I...

2 years ago
RE: Any Gamers Here?

Video games can be very educational too depending on the kind of game's someone is playing. This is with regards to the kind of games that you allow k...

2 years ago
RE: The Bermuda triangle

I would like to see The Bermuda Triangle and even experience what it's all about. I know it's very hard for it to be real. It's not real. I have only ...

2 years ago
RE: What's your favorite streaming application?

It's Netflix. I have everything that I need to watch on Netflix all the time. Even the subscription fee isn't too much for me to afford. There are so ...

2 years ago
RE: What's your childhood favourite movie?

This is absolutely what I really enjoyed as a kid. It's why some people called me a freak when I was still a kid because what usually scared other kid...

2 years ago
RE: Last horror movies you watched?

With the update on the making of new Constantine horror movie, I decided to go back and watch the old one. It was a good brush up of old memories in t...

2 years ago
RE: How do you control your anger?

It's always very painful and frustrating when you're dealing with people who are so stubborn that they won't accept their mistakes and not to talk abo...

2 years ago
RE: What's your favorite color?

For most ladies, our favourite colour is always Pink. It's also my favourite colour too because it's a very beautiful colour. I always wear pink colou...

2 years ago
RE: How many Horror Facebook Groups have you joined?

Is it not when you're on Facebook that you would likely have the interest to join any Facebook groups? I can't even remember the last time I logged in...

2 years ago
RE: What's the last horror movie you watched on DVD disc?

If my memory serves me well, I think that it was Constantine that I watched last on disc. I'm hearing that they are working on the 4th chapter of the ...

2 years ago
RE: How to deal with Angry people - What is your method?

As for me, I always leave an angry person to deal with his or her anger. It's none of my business. Whenever he or she is done being angry, we can star...

2 years ago
RE: What's your most Anticipated Upcoming Horror??

I have always loved The Nun horror movie. Any horror movie that's related with religion and demons is always going to interest me. I'm very muc...

2 years ago
RE: What's your favorite browser?

I'm using only two browsers now. Google chrome and Puma browser. I don't even use Puma browser often but whenever I do need it, it serves me well.

2 years ago
RE: What are your Hobbies Outside of Horror?

Swimming is my favourite hobby outside watching horror movies. If I'm free and not at home watching movies or horror movies, I would be either at beac...

2 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 584
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